The Truth Shall Set You Free


I have noticed over the last forty-five years that in the world we live in today, that simple truth has an ever decreasing place in society, and an ever decreasing place in the lives of individuals that we know and should be able to trust. People such as, Our Religious leaders, our Political leaders, Medical professionals, people we considered to be friends, and family members, seem to be able to lie to us and deceive us without any conscience. Beyond any doubt the biggest area of conflict and contention among people of all races and religions that I have come across in my life is, Biblical Christianity. I believe the reason for this is simply, that Biblical Christianity is the only “FAITH” that can be proven to be absolutely true. The vast quantity of scientific and historical evidence, and the eye witness accounts and testimonies of hundreds and hundreds of people down through the centuries, prove this beyond any doubt to be true. The intent of this website is to focus entirely on truth, but more specifically only on truth that by the weight of evidence available to us today, can be proven to be true beyond any doubt.

While sharing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with somebody, I presented them with evidence that proved beyond any doubt that the Bible was the true and perfect word of God. Their reply was as follows, “I am not saying that it is not true, I just choose not to believe it: To this day I have no idea why they would choose the suffering and torment of hell, instead of the glory and majesty of Heaven. I think that it was the saddest thing I have ever heard.

My hope and prayer for whoever receives the information that is on my website, is that you will make a more informed and wiser decision than this person did.

I will try to answer all questions that any reader may have.

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