And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 


I have been a Born-again Bible believing Christian for the last twenty-five years. Like a great many people in the world today I started out with a very large number of questions and no answers. So, what I would like to do for everyone who visits my website is to provide you with the answers to some of the questions that it took me twenty-five years to find and understand. Whether you are a saved Born-again Bible believing Christian or someone who is seeking answers that may lead you to God’s wonderful gift of Salvation, perhaps you may find some of the answers you are looking for on my website. Now, as you the reader start out on your journey it is very important to understand that there are two different categories of questions which need to be answered when dealing with Biblical Christianity. The first category deals with Salvation and what it is a person must do to receive God’s gift of Salvation. The second category is doctrinal and deals with the different doctrinal issues which a person may have to deal with as they try to find the right Church to fellowship in. As stated the first category that we are going to deal with is SALVATION. In this category we have six questions that I am going to answer, they are as follows. 



1. Is the Bible really true ? 

2. How can a person be saved ?

3. What does it mean to be saved ?

4. How can a person know that they are saved ?

5. What does the future hold for a person who is saved ? 

6. What does the future hold for a person who is not saved ?